At Switch Playground we stand for change, and our foremost mission is to make sure every player achieves their maximum personal results
That’s why we launched the #MakeSummerMatter challenge; it’s here to help you become the best version of yourself.
Remember, every time you step on the Playground we encourage you to step out of your comfort zone, find your magic and take yourself to the next level. These are not 20 stations; to me, they are 20 opportunities to be better, stronger, fitter and faster than when you walked in.
It’s all about how you accept the challenge.
So we challenge you to double your personal workout regime; if you come once every other week, then come once a week; if you come twice a week, challenge yourself to come four times. Each time you arrive on the Playground it’s you who gets the results – our job is to hold your hand and show you that you are capable of more than you believe you are – that’s what this challenge is all about.
So join us on the Playground, help your metabolic rate become faster, encourage your body to be better. It’s all about motivation, discipline and pushing yourself a little bit further than you would by yourself. That is our mission, that is why we are here.
Register for the #MakeSummerMatter challenge, turn it up and let’s make this the best summer yet!
Mad love,