Make the Switch | Switch Playground

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Switch Playground is the hottest new studio to open up in NYC this month. With their grand opening this past Saturday, it’s become the hot spot for top fitness gurus to flock to (as seen on Insta). The workout is a high intensity circuit training class, because, as we know, HIIT is the most efficient way of working out, and guaranteed to leave you feelin’ extra sweaty.

And since they’re brand new to NYC, they’re offering your first class free ???? Just create an account here, click on “online store” and then select the first class free option. You’ll  be able to add this class to your account for when you’re ready to book your first class. You can then book your free class here ???? Your credit will expire one month from the date you purchase it (for $0). Switch is located at 130 East 12th Street, New York, NY 10003.

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Switch focuses on a total body workout by setting you up with 5 different circuits, ranging in anything from battle ropes, to kettle bells, to stair masters, box jumps, spin bikes and much much more. Don’t be intimidated, like they say, nothing worth having comes easy, right? This class is all about challenging yourself-both your mind and your body. Each station will last for 2 minutes before you switch to the next one. Class will be taught by one main instructor plus Switch trainers will  be in the room to help you through the class. Your workout will also be powered by a live DJ, fueling the energy in the room. You can think of it like a playground for adults. Your once beloved monkey bars and slides have turned into TRX’s and sleds. You’re welcome…


Although each class is designed the same way, Switch makes sure that no 2 classes are ever the same. Plus, there’s a twist that makes it unlike any other HIIT workout. Each class begins and ends with 5 minutes of a deep yoga style flow. This will get you focused and ready to take on the challenging moves that’ll come your way, and then cool you down, as your heart rate slows back to its normal pace, leaving you feeling totally accomplished, and in a sense, more relaxed. It’ll also give you a chance to let those final sweat drops drip off before leaving the studio. So you don’t leave the studio looking as if you just got caught in a massive rain storm.


What I love about these workouts is, well, many things, but one, you never have the chance to even look at the clock. You’re constantly moving from exercise to exercise, doing just as the instructor says. The second thing is that you’re never doing one exercise for too long. You’ll never be asked to do 5 minutes of burpees, because, well, that’s just torture. But you may be asked to do 30 seconds of burpees, and if you think about it, you can do just about ANYTHING for 30 seconds. These types of workouts force you to put your full energy and heart into every move that you do, making it the most effective.

So make the switch. To Switch. You’ll be happy you did. Plus, your first class is free. What have you got to lose? Get your free class here. As for me? Switch, I’ll be seeing you soon.

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